Why did I not receive my weekly summary for XING Premium members?

If you are still a current XING Premium member, please check that you have not unsubscribed from our mailing list.

If your XING Premium membership could not be automatically confirmed, you might have been unsubscribed from the mailing list. This can also happen if you change your contact details or if there is a gap between your membership terms.

Please log in here by clicking on the XING symbol and entering your XING credentials. This will resubscribe you to the weekly mailing list.

Please ensure that in your account you have selected “weekly” to receive recommendations via email. Furthermore, please take a look at your spam folder. 

The newsletter is sent out during the week, and not always on the same weekday. 

All summaries sent to you are additionally saved in My Library and can be downloaded directly.

If you have received the same summary twice, please let us know, and we will send you another summary of your choice.


If you need further information or assistance, please contact us at info@getabstract.com.