Do all summaries have an audio version?

We aim to produce human-voice audio for every new abstract.

Most abstracts are available in audio format. 

Depending on whether publishers have provided us with the required permissions for audio recording, we sometimes rely on artificial intelligence to assist in audio production.

Either in our App or from our website, you can filter your search options to look for audio abstracts only - 

In the «Explore» section, you will find «Skills» and «Summaries».
Under «Summaries», use the filters to select the «Only titles with audio» option.
Additionally, you can opt to receive your reading recommendations with audio content only - My Account > Personalized Recommendation Email > Only recommend titles with audio files.
 Please note that this can only be done in our website.

If you need further information or assistance, please contact us at

If you have access through a company portal, please write to us at