How can I contact getAbstract?

We're happy to help.

If you have questions about our service, you can refer to How getAbstract works. For technical queries, please visit our FAQ page.

You can also reach our support specialists directly by using our contact form.
We can promise that your questions will be answered by real people (not recorded operators) and that our team is eager to help you! 

So that we can best assist you, please provide us with as much information and details as possible.

We aim to respond to all messages within 1-2 business days. Delays may be due to a high volume of inquiries or regional holidays.

Office addresses


getAbstract AG
Alpenquai 12
6005 Luzern
Phone: +41 41 367 5151
Phone support: 9 am – 5 pm CET (Mon – Fri) 
Click here for directions


getAbstract, Inc. 
One Aventura
20900 NE 30th Ave. #315
Aventura, FL 33180
Phone: +1 305 936 2626
Toll-Free: +1 877 778 6627
Phone support: 9 am – 5 pm EST (Mon – Fri)